Australia’s minimum wage is broken. How did we get here?
After being one of the first countries ever to establish a minimum wage, Australia’s has been steadily falling for decades.
My slide into working poverty and how I’m fighting back
UWU member James wants Australia to grow up and become a nation of adults. He says we need wages you can actually live on.
How am I paid? Award wages vs enterprise agreements
Do you know whether your rate of pay is set by an award or an enterprise bargaining agreement? Does it matter? Spoiler alert: yes, it does.
Everything you need to know about getting your award wage increase
Find out how to get EVERY CENT you’re entitled to from the 2024 minimum and award wage increase.
Union members win award wage increase, ensuring wages stay above inflation
Union members have won almost $2,000 per year pay boost for close to three million workers on modern awards and an even larger increase to the national minimum wage.
BUSTED: Five myths about award wage increases
Some reasons bosses give to keep wages low can sound pretty convincing. It’s easy to get swept up in their fear mongering. Here we bust 5 of those myths with the help of an expert.